Warnock - Anti-Moral & Anti-Marriage
Stacey Abrams is spending millions of dollars stoking racial division, hoping that Democrat Senate candidates Warnock and Ossoff will be...

Warnock - Minister of Death
When Margaret Sanger began her crusade for death, she targeted blacks and other minorities and what she called “weeds” and the “feeble...

Warnock - Marxist Pastor
I’ve known for a long time that Marxism is infiltrating all of our institutions of cultural influence - public schools, colleges,...

Radical Pro-Abortion Warnock
Because of your help, today our ads are running in Georgia. We will advertise on a total of eight gospel radio stations to reach black...

Georgia's Black Vote
Democrats and the Left have had their eyes on Georgia for a long time. If they win Georgia on January 5th, Texas is next. The new Bible...