Steve Phillips in his book, “Brown Is The New White”, set out a strategy of the left to radicalize black and other minority voters to be progressives and socialists. That is what produced far-Left candidates such as Andrew Gilham in Florida, Stacey Abrams in Georgia, and Rev. Raphael Warnock also in Georgia. Phillips argues that democrats should forget the middle and moderates and instead push a far-Left agenda to minorities. That is why it is so important for the Democrat Party to incite division, bitterness, and anger over “racial injustice.” It does not matter whether the accusations of racism are true. It only matters that they have the desired emotional impact to motivate and mobilize black and other minority voters.
This is why undefinable and unquantifiable concepts such as systemic racism, structural bias, and macroaggressions are constantly promoted by the Left. There need be no observable or concrete evidence of racism. Black Americans must be made to believe that racism is all around them, permeating the atmosphere, denying them opportunities and making them perpetual victims of injustice. They must also be indoctrinated to believe that all white people are infected with “white supremacy” and beneficiaries of “white privilege.” In short, the Left is promulgating an ideology of hatred and hopelessness.
STAND America PAC was created to address this insidious influence in our culture. We oppose and denounce Black Lives Matter. We oppose Antifa. These organizations which claim to oppose racism and fascism are in fact purveyors of such evil. They are Marxists whose end goal is to deny the very liberty the Civil Rights Movement sought to secure.
This is also why we oppose candidates who traffic in the same Marxist-influenced, racial, and political demagoguery. We support candidates who believe in our constitution and the Judeo-Christian values upon which it is based. We support candidates who reject Marxism, collectivism, identity politics, and support individual liberty. The candidates who SAP supports see America not as a dystopia of social injustice but as a shining city on a hill of hope and opportunity. Our vision for America is set forth in the pledge of allegiance – “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Bishop E.W. Jackson's Bio
E.W. Jackson was born in Chester, Pennsylvania. He joined the United States Marine Corps in 1970 and was honorably discharged in 1973. He went on to graduate Summa Cum Laude with a Phi Beta Kappa Key from the University of Massachusetts at Boston in 1975, and from Harvard Law School in 1978. While in law school, he studied at Harvard Divinity School and was licensed as a Baptist minister. He was ordained as a Pastor in 1979 and consecrated a Bishop in 1998.
He pastored a church and practiced law for 15 years in Boston, and was an adjunct professor at Northeastern University and Strayer University. He is the Founder of The Called Church headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia and S.T.A.N.D. – Staying True to America’s National Destiny, a national nonprofit organization with a mission to bring Americans together across racial and cultural lines to preserve our Judeo- Christian values and heritage. Through his church, he and his wife, Theodora, founded the Chesapeake Martin Luther King Leadership Breakfast and the William Jackson Youth Center.
He is the host of a daily podcast, "E.W. Jackson for America." He is the author of three books: “Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life,” “12 Principles to Make Your Life Extraordinary," and "Sweet Land of Liberty: Reflections of a Patriot Descended from Slaves."
He has been a guest on Fox & Friends, The O’Reilly Factor, Neil Cavuto, Lou Dobbs, Megyn Kelly, CBN World News, ABC’s Good Morning America, C- Span’s Washington Journal, ABC Radio Network, National Public Radio, and other media. His articles have been featured in the Washington Times, American Thinker, Western Journalism, American Family Association’s magazine “The STAND,” Life Today’s “The Stream,” and other publications.
Bishop Jackson has been a candidate for U.S. Senate and was the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia. Most recently, Bishop Jackson was a candidate for President of the United States.
He and his wife, Theodora, have been married for 53 years, have 3 children and a granddaughter, and reside in Suffolk, Virginia.